Help H.O.M.E. Breathe Life Into its Garden Room
Originally sent in an email to our supporters
Human beings are social beings. H.O.M.E. is all about human connection. We focus on elders who are too often isolated, especially when they are poor, infirm, or living in a neighborhood far from amenities. That's why everything we do builds community with and for seniors, from our intergenerational housing to our Shopping Bus.
At Nathalie Salmon House and Pat Crowley House seniors thrive because they eat and socialize with one another, the younger Resident Assistants who live and work with them, and the families with children who live there too.
As you can imagine, our present necessity for physical isolation is especially poignant. It is too familiar to the seniors we house, most of whom are "elder orphans." These days, we recognize all the more the importance of connection and the benefit of intergenerational living and sharing.
To continue fostering joy, connection, and independence for Chicago's low-income seniors, this summer we are kicking off a new project to renovate and reactivate the Nathalie Salmon House Garden Room.

We have a dream. We want to turn this usually empty but light and airy space into a conduit for intergenerational connection and a calming, contemplative space for all our residents. Fittingly, this started as a vision of one of our young Resident Assistants who imagined using the room for skill sharing.
- a senior might teach neighbors of all ages how to make jewelry, or a group of nursing students might lead an art project.
- a quiet corner of the room looking on to the garden could be furnished with an easy chair or two for quiet, private contemplation.
- the space would be adorned with art and objects of beauty.
- best of all, the room would swirl with life!
In the spirit of Lilo Salmon's vision of "life encompasses all age groups" we plan to re-design and elevate the garden room into a space for intergenerational sharing, healing, and create more opportunities to bring the outside community, inside to our beloved community.

To support this new project, H.O.M.E. is happy to be a part of the fifth-annual GIVE65, a 65-hour online fundraising campaign exclusively for senior-focused organizations like ours. This year, GIVE65 kicks off July 15 and runs through July 17, providing 65 hours for you to make a donation of your choice to help H.O.M.E. make space for our seniors.
Now more than ever we need your help to continue providing our services and programs to seniors in our community. Thank you for supporting our mission and bringing hope to seniors right here at H.O.M.E.
Make a donation
Check “make a donation” off your to-do list early and schedule a gift on July 13 or 14 to increase our chance of taking home matching grants, or join us for the live GIVE65 on July 15. Your gift will go to creating a space of love, light, and connection for our friends, the residents of H.O.M.E.
Spread the word
If you are passionate about ensuring older adults are supported and provided the opportunity to live independently within the community, we need your help spreading the mission of H.O.M.E. Amplify our impact by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram and sharing our content.
*The GIVE65, a 65-hour online giving campaign, celebrates nonprofits serving seniors each July. GIVE65, a program of the Home Instead Senior Care Foundation, hopes to inspire people to come together and give in support of seniors and the nonprofit organizations serving them. Donations of $10 or more are accepted and always appreciated. Matching grants and financial prizes amplify charitable donations to make each dollar have an even greater impact on seniors throughout the United States.