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Coming Together to Make Chicago Work for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities
There's nothing like the power of people coming together to create an effective force for good. This is precisely what happened on March 20, 2025, when over 75 people, mostly low-income Black seniors along with representatives from ten of the fifty Chicago Ward offices, converged in downtown Chicago.
Caring for our Children: The Power of Grandfriends
“It’s no wonder that among young people, depression and anxiety are rising…
But I discovered that there is a solution we have yet to tap in Chicago: seniors’ tremendous empathy for children.”
Read the latest blog post from H.O.M.E. Executive Director Gail Schechter
People First, Housing Second: H.O.M.E.’s Intergenerational Model
Our executive director shares the philosophy behind the founding of H.O.M.E. and what makes our model so unique.
Flowers for Seniors: A beautiful partnership in bloom
Flowers for seniors: read about how a beautiful gesture from Ashland Addison Florist company brightened the day of our good life residents.
Free Hearing Aids for Seniors: H.O.M.E. and MDHearingAid Partnering for Better Hearing Health
H.O.M.E is pleased to announce an exciting new partnership with MDHearingAid to provide $100,000 worth of hearing aids to approximately 250 seniors most in need in the Chicagoland area. MDHearingAid is a proud Midwest company that has provided affordable hearing for over a decade to more than 500,000 Americans.
#READABOOKDAY: America’s Intergenerational Stories
For this year's #ReadABookDay, H.O.M.E.'s Executive Director Gail Schechter shares two suggestions, America's intergenerational stories.
The Concerned Residents Association
Inspired by the collaborative approach of the focus groups facilitated in the planning of the garden room rehab,the CRA was created to continue this streak of inclusion and activity.
It Takes A Village: Discover Senior Organizations in Chicago
Across the city there are countless organizations dedicated to improving the lives of older adults. Join us in celebrating a few of those wonderful groups.
Help H.O.M.E. Breathe Life Into its Garden Room
This summer we are kicking off a new project to renovate and reactivate the Nathalie Salmon House Garden Room, and we need your help!
Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pioneers: #PrideInPlace
A look back at the history of gay liberation and the pioneers of the LGBTQ+ community as we celebrate #PrideInPlace this June.
A message of solidarity from H.O.M.E
H.O.M.E. deplores all acts of violence inflicted on human beings for any reason, not least because of the color of their skin.
A Reflection on Food Access in the Time of Coronavirus
A reflection on food access in the time of Coronavirus, and the ripple effect it has on our beloved community of seniors nation-wide.