The 3oclockclub helps H.O.M.E. for Free!

Weekdays between 3pm through 3pm, The 3oclockclub posts a limited amount of specially selected vouchers for purchase at 50% to 70% off for some of Chicago’s hottest restaurants, salons, spas and more. These are sold on a first-come first-serve basis. is also a community conscious company. Monthly, they partner with a local charitable organization to further their efforts and for the month of March they have selected H.O.M.E. For us that means that the club's 19,000 members will receive an email that describes what H.O.M.E. does and also encouraged to make a donation to us. 

You can view the club's website by clicking here, you might want to consider joining. You can also see what they say about H.O.M.E. by clicking here

H.O.M.E. will be the 3oclockclub’s Charity of the Month for March. Please add the info to H.O.M.E.’s Twitter and FaceBook pages. Here is a link to our feature page: . An e-mail blast will be sent today to the 3oclockclub’s 19,000 members to inform them that H.O.M.E. is the new Charity of the Month.


Residents Party at the Signature Room at the 95th


Bruce Otto a guest on Senior Talk with Clara Hubbard