Coming Together to Make Chicago Work for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities

Written By Gail Schechter, Executive Director

There's nothing like the power of people coming together to create an effective force for good. This is precisely what happened on March 20th, when over 75 people, mostly low-income Black seniors along with representatives from ten of the fifty Chicago Ward offices, converged in downtown Chicago. 

H.O.M.E.'s Community Advisory Council of seniors organized the third annual "Let's Kick It!" Senior Summit to focus on ensuring Chicago's elected officials are responsive and accountable to older people and people with disabilities. 

Moderated by Bernice Frazier, along with Constance Hatchett and Marilyn Hughes, the Community Advisory Council made sure that seniors' voices were heard by their legislators, especially around tenants' rights and lack of responsiveness by the Chicago Housing Authority. Many people also raised concerns about Walgreens closing in Black neighborhoods. Gail Schechter of H.O.M.E. asked that the City reinstate its 40-year-old senior home repair program which has served about 300 low-income older people annually.

"Let's Kick It!" is also a valuable opportunity for sharing resources about available programs. Highlights of the senior summit included information about the statewide Home Modification Program for people with disabilities sponsored by the Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living from its director John Herring. They've already completed 85 projects statewide, including ten in Chicago. He said the Governor earmarked $3.5 million in this year's budget for the program. Let's make sure this item remains intact! 

"The City helps seniors not just to 'exist' but to live your best lives," said Margaret LaRaviere, Deputy Commissioner for Senior Services, before describing a variety of programs and pledging to follow up on the concerns raised. H.O.M.E.'s Community Advisory Council will stay in touch with LaRaviere and other City officials on issues brought up at the summit.

H.O.M.E. thanks Dr. Ramya Ramanath of DePaul University for providing a welcoming convening space for "Let's Kick It!," Kenwood Oakland Community Organization (KOCO) for their leadership on a Senior Tenants' Bill of Rights, and all who participated. For more information, please contact Community Advisory Council Chair Constance Hatchett,


In Memoriam of Sister Patricia Crowley