Save the Date: H.O.M.E.'s Good Life Gala is May 8th!
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Save the Date: H.O.M.E.'s Good Life Gala is May 8th! 〰️ Click for More Details 〰️
H.O.M.E. is a one-of-a-kind organization that fosters joy, independence, and connection for low-income seniors in Chicago

H.O.M.E.’s Community Advisory Council Holds 3rd Annual Senior Summit
There's nothing like the power of people coming together to create an effective force for good. This is precisely what happened on March 20th, when over 75 people, mostly low-income Black seniors along with representatives from ten of the fifty Chicago Ward offices, converged in downtown Chicago.
H.O.M.E.'s Community Advisory Council of seniors organized the third annual "Let's Kick It!" Senior Summit to focus on ensuring Chicago's elected officials are responsive and accountable to older people and people with disabilities.
Read more about the Senior Summit on our blog.
Watch: H.O.M.E. & SAGECare featured in PBS News: “Brief But Spectacular
How does H.O.M.E. foster belonging for our older adults? We are excited to share with you a wonderful video from PBS News highlighting H.O.M.E.'s LGBTQ+ affirming housing, where low-income older adults can live as their true selves in safe, affordable housing with younger resident assistants and families. The video also features the important work of our friends at SAGECare.
Meet Brian and others from the H.O.M.E. Community on our Stories page.
H.O.M.E. is a 2024 Impact Grantee!
We are excited to announce that H.O.M.E. has been chosen as one of four recipients of this year's $100,000 Impact Grants! This support will allow our organization to help more senior homeowners get the home repair work they need. Thank you Impact Grants Chicago for this incredible honor!
“It helps to know there’s a place that caters to seniors.”
Too often low-income older people in Chicago have nowhere to turn for affordable home repairs, transportation to buy groceries, or the ability to move in to the housing of their choice. H.O.M.E. is there for them. Hear more of Herma's story, and learn how H.O.M.E. continues to show up for Chicago's low-income older adults.
Every donation has an impact
$25 - Funds a community activity or recreational event for our residents
$100 - Cost to provide safe transportation to the grocery store for 12 seniors
$500 - Covers the cost to move one senior to more accommodating housing
$2,500 - Covers the full cost of labor, materials, and service fees for a major repair for a senior homeowner
$5,000 - Cost to cover 6-months of affordable rent for a senior resident
Our mission is to provide both affordable housing and housing support services for seniors living on low incomes
Our vision is of a Chicago in which people of all ages live together in a way that supports older adults’ connection to the larger community
We’d love to stay in touch
“I can’t say enough good things about H.O.M.E., coming to Pat Crowley House has been a real blessing for me... It’s warm and it’s comfortable and friendly and it just feels like having a really nice family around you.”
— Christine, H.O.M.E. Resident
Generations Thrive Together
Learn about Intergenerational living. Blending families with school age children, young adults, and seniors in social living activities builds a community.
Aging Safely in Place
The Upkeep and Repair program provides senior homeowners with affordable electrical, plumbing, and carpentry repairs to ensure that their homes remain safe as they age, allowing older adults to continue living in their own homes and communities.
Seniors on the Move
Whether they choose to move to more accommodating housing within their own neighborhood (about half the moves), or elsewhere within the city, H.O.M.E. helps to stabilize the lives of low-income seniors through its Moving Program It is the only program in the City of Chicago to offer moving assistance to low-income seniors
All Aboard the Shopping Bus
H.O.M.E.'s wheelchair-accessible shopping bus connects low-income residents of senior buildings throughout Chicago with full-service grocery stores, enabling them to access fresh foods and household essentials. Seniors are given free, safe transport from their residence to a nearby store where they can shop for groceries, medication, and household items

Each year we provide over 2,500 shopping trips to low-income seniors of 28 buildings, concentrated on the South and West sides of Chicago.
Make a Difference for Seniors
What makes H.O.M.E. unique is our community. Made up of people of all generations, the H.O.M.E. Community embodies a simple philosophy: human beings need one another and that includes a population too often relegated to the margins of society: seniors with low incomes
Equal Opportunity
H.O.M.E. strongly and proudly supports every individual’s right to express their given or chosen identity and experience. This includes race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ability, respecting and using an individual’s chosen name, pronoun (e.g. he, she, they, etc.) and identities (e.g. lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, transgender, queer, etc.). Inclusion is not dependent on our personal acceptance or rejection of a person and their identity.