Let's Celebrate Seniors!

In 1988 President Ronald Regan declared August 21st Senior Citizens Day, a day to recognize senior citizens across the country and to honor the impact that they have on our communities. 


In his proclamation he said, “For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older — places in which older people can participate to the fullest and can find the encouragement, acceptance, assistance, and services they need to continue to lead lives of independence and dignity.

For non-seniors, today is an opportunity to show our appreciation for the impact seniors have had in our communities! We have them to thank for some of the social advances we now have. We also have so much we can learn from seniors and their experiences.intergenerational_moment.jpg

Intergenerational relationships are beneficial to both seniors and young people. Building intergenerational relationships helps alleviate feelings of isolation in seniors and can help with overall health outcomes. 

According to Generations United young people gain a more positive outlook on aging when they spend more time with older adults. Studies also show that children who spend more time with seniors are more likely to be social and do well academically. 

I am astounded when I read stories about seniors achieving incredible physical feats like
running running a marathon at 92It’s pretty incredible what seniors can accomplish! 

But you don’t need to be a runner or a history maker to help shape your community. Earlier this month Konrad, our outgoing Word Horizons Volunteer, noted in his reflections about his time with H.O.M.E. that each senior at our Pat Crowley House has a great impact on the community there.

Whether it’s the senior who knows the City of Chicago like the back of her hand or the senior that can make everyone around him laugh. Sometimes it’s the little things we do to make our communities a better place!

Thank you seniors for all that you do to make our communities better places!

Are you looking for an opportunity to spend more time with seniors? Consider volunteering for H.O.M.E.! H.O.M.E. brings together a unique combination of services in a supportive, senior-centered environment that lessens the burden of social isolation that many seniors face.  We believe that the human element is essential to our model. We know that sharing a bus ride, saying hello, sharing a joke and a story with others can make a difference too. Serving seniors with warmth, connection, and joy is our particular expertise. Since 1982, we have helped thousands of seniors to maintain their independence and remain a part of their community.Help us transform the lives of seniors in our communities. We look for people with heart, commitment and a sincere interest in our residents. Giving your time and talent can make a difference!


Do you want updates and tips in your inbox every week? Remember to subscribe to Senior Moments from H.O.M.E.  


Meet H.O.M.E. Board Member Angie Marks


Hello, Goodbye.