Seniors in Cubs fever
The seniors at Pat Crowley House are big Cubs fans. So it's inevitable to talk every evening at dinner about how the Cubs are doing, when they play next, who they face up against and so on.
from left to right: Jim and Kornel
Jim, one of our newer residents at Pat Crowley House, regularly invites everyone to come and watch the game with him while having some popcorn. Go, Cubs!
Thanks to Parents Allied with Children and Teachers for Tomorrow (PACTT), an organization which helps individuals with autism become as independent as possible and integrate them into their community, we get regular volunteers who clean, water the plants and take out the garbage.
Kornel, a faithful volunteer from Germany has been a dedicated repairman, supporter and friend of H.O.M.E. for a long time and as a result of his work the seniors don't have to worry about loose doors, draining issues in the bathroom and a lot more.
On Thursday, we had again the Loyola Nurses coming and checking on the residents and their health and on Sunday, Dan and Maria, two seniors from Nathalie Salmon House, were happy about Adila's visit: she is a Loyola student and volunteer who comes to see Dan and Maria from time to time. The seniors are glad and appreciate someone who they can talk to, someone who spends time with them and brightens their day.
If you want to help us, too, share your time, make seniors happy or challenge yourself as a Guest Chef, then check out the link below:
If you and your friends want to help Chicago's low income seniors maintain a warm and comfortable home in the cold winter months, please contact us about the Weatherization Program! We still need volunteers and are happy about everybody who helps.
Take care!