The Power of One
Here is what two famous people about how one person can make a big difference.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not." -Dr. Seuss
I also found out there was a book written in 1989 by Bryce Courtenay called The Power of One, a story about a young English boy Named Peekay and his passion for changing the world.
Let me tell you about three people who demonstrated the power of one for H.O.M.E. by tapping into their network.
It started with Sharon
Sharon, donated furniture to us in 2003 and shortly after became a donor. She was a member of Greater Midwest Chapter of Professional Convention Management Association (GMC-PCMA). In 2008 she recommended to their Community Service Committee that H.O.M.E. be selected as the charity they would work with for two years. The term was extended for an additional year.
During those years GMC-PCMA volunteers sponsored and staffed six parties for our housing residents, always providing residents with special gifts. They also helped with spring cleanup days, participated in our weatherization program and Hunger Walk and we were the beneficiary of three silent auctions which raised over $70,000 for us. All this because of Sharon.
The Power of One Continued
But, there is more. Lindsay was a member of GMC-PCMA where she learned about H.O.M.E. and about being a Guest Chef at one of our Good Life Senior Residences. Lindsay brought together some of her friends and for several years they would cook about once a month.
Unfortunately for us Lindsay moved away last year but her cooking partners, now called The Friends of Lindsay, continue to volunteer. Last fall, one of the volunteers, a seven-year old child of a "Friend of Lindsay," asked that for his birthday his guests donate gift cards for the seniors he has dinner with at Pat Crowley House instead giving him presents. Once again, it all started with Sharon.
Another Story
Sonia has been a monthly donor for several years. Her parents are aging and her mother has Alzheimer’s. When she learned about H.O.M.E. and what we do for low-income seniors here in Chicago, she became a donor immediately.
Sonia is also part of a wonderful group called 100 Women Who Care which is one of 350 chapters in operation around the world, including chapters in almost every major U.S. city. At each meeting, they learn about three local charities, vote on which one to support, and every member then donates $100 to the winning organization.
Last fall Sonia presented H.O.M.E. and we won. This resulted in a gift of over $10,000 and an opportunity for me to talk to their chapter. It's highly unusual that we receive a gift of that size from a new donor but due to Sonia, we did!
You could be like Sharon, Lindsey, and Sonia and make a big impact.
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