Myth-busting senior challenges

Did you know that 10,000 people turn 65 every day in the U.S.?

img_0348-fullAs Baby Boomers reach retirement, the older adult population is growing fast. The challenges that older adults face are also growing and changing. It can be difficult to keep up with the facts, and sometimes what we think we know isn't quite on the mark. 

With over 30 years of experience providing housing and housing services to low-income seniors living in the City of Chicago, H.O.M.E. helps seniors live independently and increase their quality of life. Since we launched Senior Moments from H.O.M.E. last summer, we have spent some time busting myths that we sometimes hear about seniors.

Here are three Senior Moments from H.O.M.E. posts that shed light on some myths about senior challenges:

1. 4 myths about senior hunger

2. 6 myths about low-income seniors and poverty

3. Debunking myths about falls

Many of the issues that seniors face are big, and that's why we hope to share more information and resources with our community. For weekly articles from Senior Moments from H.O.M.E. subscribe to the blog by entering your email at the top right on this page. You'll get information about seniors, resources to share, and stories from us. 

For more updates, connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.

H.O.M.E. helps low-income seniors maintain their independence by providing home upkeep and repair, a shopping bus, moving assistance, and intergenerational housing. If you would like to get involved, click the button below to find out how.


 Do  you want updates and tips in your inbox every week? Remember to subscribe to Senior Moments from H.O.M.E.


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Volunteers needed this fall: Weatherize homes for seniors